Competitions @ TNA
TNA run two main competitions during each year.
Winter Competition runs from May to September each year. Entry to this competition is via an affiliated club team or school team. Independent teams are also accepted in this competition.
Summer Competition runs during Term4 each year and is a purely social comp, with all teams being organised and entered by players. Monday night is the Senior Womens and Senior Mixed grades and Wednesday night is for the Junior and Intermediates grades. Teams must provide and pay their own umpire for this comp.
The competitions are overseen by the TNA Vice President of Competition, assisted by a Junior, Inters and Seniors Convener.
Our TNA VP Competition is: Simone
Junior Convenor: Jodie Russell
Winter Competition

Winter Comp Draws can be found on PlayHQ here.
Please note that fixtures are a live document – so while we do our best to minimise changes – sometimes this is inevitable. Any last minute changes will be communicated to affected teams directly.
A reminder that grading and regrading can occur – particularly during the first couple of rounds. Grading and regrading will be looked at according to TNA’s Grading Policy. If you have any questions about grading or regrading please email: vp.competition@tuggeranongnetball.com.au
Registration reminder
A reminder that players must be registered before taking the court. For those applying for grants, players must be approved by TNA before taking the court.
You will notice that our scoresheets in the new PlayHQ system look a little different. If you would like some support in completing the scoresheet during games please contact your club or TNA for support.
Where to find scoresheets
All scoresheets can be found in buckets outside the pavilion (sorted by game time). Please arrange to collect your scoresheet prior to your game. Scoresheets can be returned to the convenors office following the games.
A reminder that a representative from each team should stand together to score the game. Disputes will not be entered into unless these representatives are standing together. If a dispute on the score occurs – the team disputing should not sign the scoresheet and should contact TNA asap.
Recording players on scoresheets
All players participating in games need to be recorded on the scoresheet (with players signing next to their name).
If a player is filling in for a team they should be recorded in the designated section for fill in players. A reminder that fill in players may only play for any team three times before being ineligible for their old team. Teams from the same division may not fill in for one another (this includes grades that are split into divisions – eg. year 6 B may not fill in for a team in year 6 A).
Duty roster
A reminder that each team will be rostered on by your club or school to fulfil a spot in the duty roster. This is only allocated once per season so your assistance is appreciated to fill this and ensure your teams are organised.
We also ask that a representative from each team playing in 11am games to return the blue post pads the sheds. Please ensure your teams are aware of this.
TNA Codes of Behaviour
Please remember that TNA expects all players, family, spectators and officials to abide by the TNA Codes of Behaviour and the Netball Australia Member Protection Policy. There is the expectation that by entering teams in the TNA competition that these guidelines will be followed.
By-Law 8.5 requires that no member of the association play for another club in the association (affiliated or school) without receiving permission from your current registered club.
What does that mean: If you are filling in for a team that is NOT from the club your are currently registered in, you must seek permisssion from an official (preferably the President/Vice President/School Coordinator) of the club you are registered with, BEFORE taking the court for the fill-in team.
Competition Format
Summer competition runs only during Term 4 of each year and is a relaxed, fun, social competition for all players at TNA.
Senior Mixed and Womens are play on Monday nights from 6pm. Juniors and Inters play on Wednesday night from 5.30pm.
Players are responsible for forming their own teams and provide their own umpire.
Senior Mixed and Womens: Players 14 and over are able to play in the Womens or Mixed competition on Monday nights. Games commence at 6pm or 7pm. Which group plays at which timeslot is determined each year based on the number of registrations.
Juniors and Inters: Games are played on Wednesday nights at 5.30pm, 6.30pm or 7.30pm. Juniors in years 2-6 generally play at 5.30pm and Inters are either 6.30pm or 7.30pm. This is again dependent each year on the number of registrations.
Summer Competition

Team Expression of Interest
TNA will advertise for an expression of interest from teams prior to the end of Winter Competition.
Team contacts will register the team name in the required competition.
Once expression of interest close, TNA will send a team registration link to the team contact where the team can register and pay via PlayHQ.
Team Expression of Interest will be advertised each year via the TNA Website and Facebook page.
Due to the court upgrades at TNA, we will only be running a competition on the grass for Junior teams in Years 2 to 6 on Wednesday nights. Years 2/3/4 commencing at 4.30pm and Years 5/6 commencing at 5.30pm.
Registration links for this competition have already been sent to teams who expressed their interest.
Team players must register by 5pm October 11th 2024 to allow draws to be generated. Teams must have 7 players registered in their team to be included in the draw.
WWVP Requirements
All TNA Officials, TNA Affiliate Club Officials, Coaches, Managers and Umpires who are 16 years and older must hold a WWVP Registration card.
This card must be carried with you at all times while at TNA for training and games or when you are acting in an official capacity for TNA (such as at a Junor Rep Carnival ).
Clubs and Schools are required to maintain their own registers of WWVP registrations for their officials, including the expiry date and any conditions.
For Clubs, this register must be provided to TNA on a yearly basis, including a signed acknowledgement as to the currency of the details.
Schools are required to maintain their register part of their school processes and assure compliance.
Under the WWVP legislation, "Coaching and tuition" and "Clubs, associations and movements" are deemed as a Regulated Activity. TNA are bound by the legislation to report alleged breaches to Access Canberra.
Working With Vulnerable People (WWVP)
Class A and Class B Disqualifying Offences
People with a Class A Disqualifying Offence will be automatically excluded from participating in a regulated activity. Class A offences include murder, culpable driving causing death, and sexual offences against vulnerable people.
People with a Class B Disqualifying Offence will be risk assessed and may be excluded, unless exceptional circumstances exist. Class B offences include, but are not limited to, child neglect, drug, fraud and theft offences. This applies to individuals with a charge or a conviction or finding of guilt.
Apply through Access Canberra
Applications for WWVP registration are processed through Access Canberra in the ACT. For volunteers, this process is free but you must attend an Access Canberra location to provide your identity documents and have your photo taken.
On application, you may be issued with a receipt or letter. This can be used instead of your card when at TNA, until your card arrives.
Registration through Access Canberra can be found here.